


最佳答案一汽大众新宝来汽车的广告背景音乐是《I Will Come To You》

歌手:Hanson乐队;专辑:Middle Of Nowhere;发行时间:1997年

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《I Will Come To You》是美国创作型乐队Hanson在1997年推出首张专辑《Middle Of Nowhere》中的一首歌曲。大众汽车国内首支品牌形象广告片的音乐采用的便是这首歌,经过了十几年,这首歌仍然经久不衰,可见它的魅力。


I Will Come To You——歌名:我会到你身边

Album: Middle Of Nowhere——专辑:消失之间

When you have no light to guide you——当没有光引导你

And no one to walk to walk beside you——没人在身边陪你走路

I will come to you——我会到你身边

Oh I will come to you——哦我会到你身边

When the night is dark and stormy——当夜晚很黑,狂风暴雨

You won't have to reach out for me——你不用去找我

I will come to you——我会到你身边

Oh I will come to you——哦我会到你身边

Sometimes when all your dreams may have seen bad days——有时候,当你的梦想遇到了挫折

And you don't know how or why, but you've lost your way——并且你不知所措,并且迷失了方向

Have no fear when your tears are fallin'——你哭的时候不要害怕

I will hear your spirit callin'——我会听到你心灵的呼唤

And I swear I'll be there come what may——我发誓我会陪着你

(Repeat Chorus)——(重复副歌)

'Cause even if we can't be together——因为,即使我们不能一起

We'll be friends now and forever——我们永远是朋友

And I swear that I'll be there come what may——我发誓我会陪着你

When the night is dark and stormy——当夜晚很黑,狂风暴雨

You won't have to reach out for me——你不用去找我

I will come to you——我会到你身边

Oh I will come to you——哦我会到你身边

We all need somebody we can turn to——我们需要求助

Someone who'll always understand——那个永远明白我的人

So if you feel that your soul is dyin'——所以当你觉得生命快要枯萎

And you need the strength to keep tryin'——而你又需要力量去支撑

I'll reach out and take your hand——我会出现而且抓住你的手

(Repeat Chorus)——(重复副歌)

























A million little pieces:数以万计

Feeds the dying light:照亮夜空

And breathes me back to life:也让我复活

In your eyes:你的眼中

I see something to believe in:我看见信仰

Your hands are like a flame:你的双手如同火焰

Your palms the sweetest pain:你的手掌是最甜蜜的疼痛

Let the darkness lead us into the light:让黑暗带领我们走入光明

Let our dreams get lost feel the temperature rise:梦想迷失 感受温度上升

Baby tell me one more beautiful lie:宝贝 再给我讲一个美丽的谎言吧

One touch and I ignite:只需一次触碰 我将炽烈燃烧

Like a starship speeding into the night:就像飞船在夜空疾驰而过

You and I get lost in the infinite lights:你我迷失于这无尽的光芒之中

Baby tell me one more beautiful lie:宝贝 再给我讲一个美丽的谎言吧

One touch and I ignite:只需一次触碰 我将炽烈燃烧

One touch and I ignite:只需一次触碰 我将炽烈燃烧

One touch and I ignite:只需一次触碰 我将炽烈燃烧

So alive:如此鲜活

Your touch is like the daylight:你的触碰如同火热的阳光

Burning on my skin:欲火中烧

It turns me on again:又让我兴奋不已

You and I:你我

Survivors of the same kind:同样的幸存者

And we're the only ones:我们是唯一

Dancing on the sun:在阳光下起舞的人

Let the darkness lead us into the light:让黑暗带领我们走入光明

Let our dreams get lost feel the temperature rise:梦想迷失 感受温度上升

Baby tell me one more beautiful lie:宝贝 再给我讲一个美丽的谎言吧

One touch and I ignite:只需一次触碰 我将炽烈燃烧

Like a starship speeding into the night:就像飞船在夜空疾驰而过

You and I get lost in the infinite lights:你我迷失于这无尽的光芒之中

Baby tell me one more beautiful lie:宝贝 再给我讲一个美丽的谎言吧

One touch and I ignite:只需一次触碰 我将炽烈燃烧

One touch and I ignite:只需一次触碰 我将炽烈燃烧

One touch and I ignite:只需一次触碰 我将炽烈燃烧

Diamonds are forever but all we need is just tonight:钻石永存 但你我只需要今夜

We're monumental tremors that can freeze the speed of life


Just like particles that's falling from heaven all over the stars


Hear you calling for me:我听见你在呼唤我

Hear you calling me on from afar:我听见你在遥远的地方呼唤我

Let the darkness lead us into the light;让黑暗带领我们走入光明

Let our dreams get lost feel the temperature rise:梦想迷失 感受温度上升

Baby tell me one more beautiful lie:宝贝 再给我讲一个美丽的谎言吧

One touch and I ignite:只需一次触碰 我将炽烈燃烧

I feel the heat as we collide:当你我碰撞 我感受到了滚烫的热度

Like a fever that feels so right:一场高温 就是这种感觉

So baby tell me one more beautiful lie:所以宝贝 再给我讲一个美丽的谎言吧

One touch and I ignite:只需一次触碰 我将炽烈燃烧

One touch and I ignite:只需一次触碰 我将炽烈燃烧

One touch and I ignite:只需一次触碰 我将炽烈燃烧

One touch and I ignite:只需一次触碰 我将炽烈燃烧

One touch and I ignite:只需一次触碰 我将炽烈燃烧

One touch and I ignite:只需一次触碰 我将炽烈燃烧

《Ignite》由挪威两位电音制作人Alan Walker与K-391合作的单曲,通过Alan Walker的唱片公司Mer Musikk和索尼音乐娱乐公司发行。

旋律主要来源于K-391的《Godzilla》,并融入了Marvin Divine的风格,纯音乐版正式发行于2017年4月7日。

人声版本通过LIQUID STATE LIMITED唱片公司正式发布,歌曲由挪威歌手Julie Bergan与韩国歌手SEUNGRI(胜利)共同演唱,正式发行于2018年5月11日。


最佳答案一汽大众cc广告曲是《The heavy how you like me now》。








最佳答案这是大众汽车国内首支品牌形象广告于2004年通过各地媒体呈现给广大观众。这支由德国大众、一汽大众和上海大众三家联手推出的大众汽车品牌形象广告,音乐采用全球炙手可热的演唱组合HANSON的《I will come to you》,而导演是曾经荣获多项大奖的好莱坞导演DanMintz。


I will come to you

When you have no light to guide you

And no one to walk to walk beside you

I will come to you

Oh I will come to you

When the night is dark and stormy

You won"t have to reach out for me

I will come to you

Oh I will come to you

Sometimes when all your dreams

may have seen better days

And you don"t know how or why, but you"ve lost your way

Have no fear when your tears are fallin"

I will hear your spirit callin"

And I swear I"ll be there come what may

When you have no light to guide you

And no one to walk to walk beside you

I will come to you

Oh I will come to you

When the night is dark and stormy

You won"t have to reach out for me

I will come to you

Oh I will come to you

Cause even if we can"t be together

We"ll be friends now and forever

And I swear that I"ll be there come what may

When the night is dark and stormy

You won"t have to reach out for me

I will come to you

Oh I will come to you

We all need somebody we can turn to

Someone who"ll always understand

So if you feel that your soul is dyin"

And you need the strength to keep tryin"

I"ll reach out and take your hand.

I"ll reach out and take your hand.

When you have no light to guide you

And no one to walk to walk beside you

I will come to you

Oh I will come to you

When the night is dark and stormy

You won"t have to reach out for me

I will come to you

Oh I will come to you
