









《英语流利说》Level 6-Unit1P3-Listening-Depression & Treatment

Listening 心理医生

Jack is a psychiatrist , which means he treats people with mental problems/who have mental problems. He has been treating patients for many years and has used a variety of treatments. Sometimes he just listens and talks to the patients and sometimes he uses medications. These medications affect the brain in many different ways.

Over the years, Jack found that some patients improved with treatments, while others didn't improve at all. In some cases, a patient's response to a treatment was  the opposite of what  was expected. Several years ago he had a young patient who showed him why these treatments didn't work. The patient's name was Bob. He was twenty years old when he first came to see Jack for help. The reason he came was that he had attempted suicide.

Bob was extremely smart and was a student in one of the best universities in the world. However he was often extremely depressed. Because of his depression, he took drugs and drank a lot of alcohol. It was an overdose of drugs and alcohol that nearly killed him. His roommate called 911 when he discovered bob unconscious in their dormitory room.

Once Bob recovered and discharged from the hospital, he took time off from school to

get help. That was when he came to the clinic where Jack practices medicine . At first,

Jack attempted to treat bob with anti-depression medications. He also uses conversations and recommendations to help him rethink his life and memories. After a few months but begin to recover but only moderately . Though he cooperated with the treatment he continued to think negatively. He also continues to go through periods of depression. As a result, he wasn't able to return to school.

Because the treatment wasn't working, jack tried something new. He decides to use brain scans to look inside Bob's brain. Brain scans are the way to look inside the brain to see how it is functioning. What the scans showed about bob was crucial . They showed that his brain was damaged in a way that nobody has anticipated. There was significant damage to the front part of his brain. An injury in this part of the brain can contribute to depression and a negative feeling. It can also contribute to feelings like anger and rage. The facts that his brain was injured and unbalanced explains why the treatment hadn't worked.

The brain scans showed why the medications and other treatments hadn't worked. They had failed because they didn't address the brain injury. After discussing the injury with Bob and his parents, they concluded that the cause of injury was from playing soccer. In fact, Jack knew of quite a few soccer players who had suffered head injuries from playing that sport. Heading the soccer ball many times can damage the brain.

With this new information, Jack used the new medication to treat the injury. Gradually Bob improved and after a few months was close to full recovery, He no longer had any signs of depression and was finally able to return to school. Ultimately, Bob graduated from his university with honors and admitted into a famous law school. From this experience, Jack realized that the brain imaging had helped him to save Bob's life.

If it hadn't been for the scans, Bob would have ended with killing himself. Detecting and treating the injury to the front part of his brain was the key step in his treatment. Jack now believes that the brain scan can be an important tool for psychiatrist.

An injured brain must be healed before other treatments such as vitamins, drugs or counseling can work.

Dialogue 高管讨论

We've got a real problem on our hands. We're getting a lot of complaints

About the proposed new policy

Yes, people think it's an invasion of privacy.

Don't they agree that regular exercise and  staying in shape  is good for everyone

Sure, they agree. But they don’t think we have the right to use an app to track how much they exercise.

Using the app is the only way to make sure our employees get enough exercise. This new policy will reduce our health cost and improve productivity, which helps everyone!

requiring everyone to wear a smart device like this on the rest means they have no privacy

Well, if you put it that way I can see the problem.

However, I don't see any other way to change people's habits. 

This is just a friendly reminder.

It's more than a reminder, It makes things public and put pressure on people to meet their requirements. It will force people to work out even when they don't want to.

There won't be any choice.

Now it doesn't have to be that way, we can still be flexible.

That's not the point. People hate the idea that the company knows everything they do. It's bad enough that they have to communicate with each other at night and on weekends.

What if we make the use of the app an option.

If you do that it still put pressure on people to use it. I think it's best that we get rid of this idea. I'm all for standards but what about freedom and creativity. If we  go ahead with this policy, I think we will lose some of our best people.

There are other ways to deal with health issues.

Such as What is your suggestion

Give extra holidays to people who take fewer sick days.

No, that wouldn't work, It would put pressure on people to come to work sick and get everyone on sick too. If someone is sick I'd rather that they stay at home.

Then here's the radical idea. Why not let your department managers handle it, They are the one who decides on promotions and bonuses. Setting everything in stone in the form of policy can be very dangerous.Okay I'll consider it, for now, I'll give up the idea of using this app. Please let people know that we're listening to them. We do care about our employees.

I will, I'm sure people will appreciate it, It shows that you have faith in them.

Thanks, I appreciate your advice.


Passage1 Preventing injuries

Exercise and a certain amount of strenuous physical activity are important for maintaining good health. However, before engaging in them, it's important nor how to prevent injuries from occurring, especially for athletes and elderly people. Injuries can be minimized by doing a proper warm up. This consists of increasing your heart rate and the blood flow to all parts of the body. A good way to do this is through a series of static stretch followed by a series of dynamic streches which are done while moving.

Using the proper equipment is essential especially in contact sports. To protect the head, for example, well designed helmets and can greatly reduce the incidence of concussions. Concussions are caused when the soft, jello-like brain slams into the hard human skull. Research shows that repeated concussions can have serious consequences. Compression sportswear is another way to reduce the risk of injury, especially muscle injuries. More and more athletes are using them because their use can also speed up muscle recovery when an injury occurs. Another contributing factor in sports injuries its fatigue. Doctors believe that fatigue is an important warning sign that body has reached its limit. When fatigued it is more difficult for a body to protect itself. Therefore, it's a good idea to stop an activity at the first sign of fatigue. Rest periods, even for professional athletes, can prevent serious injuries from occurring.

使用适当的设备是必不可少的, 特别是在接触运动。保护头部, 例如, 设计良好的头盔, 可以大大减少脑震荡的发病率。当软的, 果冻般的大脑猛烈地撞进坚硬的人的头骨时, 就会引起脑震荡。研究表明反复脑震荡会造成严重后果。压缩运动服是另一种减少受伤风险的方法, 尤其是肌肉损伤。越来越多的运动员使用他们, 因为他们的使用也可以加速肌肉恢复时, 受伤发生。运动损伤的另一个原因是疲劳。医生认为疲劳是身体达到极限的一个重要警示信号。当疲劳时, 身体更难保护自己。因此, 这是一个好主意, 以停止活动的第一个迹象疲劳。休息期, 即使是职业运动员, 也可以防止严重的伤害发生。

Understanding injuries and body's reaction to them can help people cope with the problems that accompany physical exercise. The support and understanding of coaches, teammates and family can be a critical factor in prevention and recovery. Once an injury occurs, it's too late to prevent it, and recovery can take a long time. For the elderly, a simple for can be fatal.

了解伤害和身体反应对他们可以帮助人们应付伴随体育锻炼的问题。教练、队友和家庭的支持和理解可能是预防和恢复的关键因素。一旦受伤发生, 它为时已晚, 以防止它, 恢复可能需要很长的时间。对于老年人来说, 一个简单的可以是致命的。

Passage2 Reducing stroke

A large international study has found that ten risk factors account for 90 percent of all risks of stroke. Of that list, five risk factors usually related to lifestyle are responsible for a full 80 percent of stroke risk.According to the researchers, this risk factors--high blood pressure, smoking, abnormal obsesity, diet and physical activity are modifiable and can be controlled.

一项大型国际研究发现, 十的风险因素占了中风风险的90%。在这份名单中, 五的风险因素通常与生活方式有关, 造成中风风险的整整80%。据研究人员说, 这种危险因素--高血压、吸烟、异常肥胖、饮食和体力活动都是可修改的, 可以控制。

The findings come from a study of 3000 people who had had strokes and equal number of healthy individuals with no history of stroke. The study also includes a brain scan of all participating stroke survivors, according to the researchers.

这一研究结果来源于对3000人中风和没有中风病史的健康个体数量相等的调查。该研究还包括对所有参与中风幸存者的脑部扫描, 据研究人员说。

Across the board, high blood pressure is the most important factor, accounting for one-third of all stroke risk. Blood pressure, it was noted, plays a major role in both forms of stroke: ischemic, the most common form(caused by blockage of a brain blood vessel ), and hemorrhagic or bleeding stroke, in which a blood vessel in the brain bursts.

在整个委员会, 高血压是最重要的因素, 占所有中风风险的1/3。据指出, 血压在两种形式的中风中起着重要作用: 缺血性, 最常见的形式 (由脑血管堵塞引起), 出血或出血中风, 脑中血管爆裂。

Blood pressure is easily measured and there are lots of treatments. Lifestyle modifications to control it include increasing physical activity and reducing salt intake. The other lifestyle risk factors are modifiable as well. High intakes of fish and fruits, for example, is associated with a lower risk of stroke.

血压很容易测量, 有很多治疗方法。生活方式的改变, 以控制它包括增加体力活动和减少食盐摄入量。其他生活方式风险因素也是可修改的。例如, 鱼和水果的高摄入量与中风的风险较低有关。

Many of the same risk factors have been reported in other studies, but this is the first stroke risk study to include both low-and-middle-income participants in developing countries. The study confirms that high blood pressure is the leading cause of stroke in both developing and developed countries. This highlight the need for health authorities in those countries to develop strategies to reduce high blood pressure, salt intake and other risk factors.

其他研究也报告了许多相同的风险因素, 但这是第一次中风风险研究, 其中包括发展中国家中低收入和中等收入者。研究证实高血压是发展中国家和发达国家中风的主要原因。这突出表明, 这些国家的卫生当局需要制定减少高血压、食盐摄入量和其他危险因素的战略。

电脑开机黑屏报错。An opreating sytem wasn't found?



一、 开机黑屏报错“A disk read error occurred Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart”





二、 开机黑屏报错“A Hyper Transport sync flood error occurred on last boot”





三、 开机黑屏报错“BOOTMGR image is corrupt.The system cannot boot”





四、 开机黑屏报错“check media”或“checking media”




1、您可以开机等屏幕亮起后连续点击键盘F12键,如能看到硬盘则选择硬盘启动,若可以正常进入系统,可在重启后连续点击F1(部分机型为F2)键进入Bios,找到Startup或Boot菜单,选择Primary Boot Sequence选项,按"+"或"-"键将硬盘调整为第一引导项。



五、 开机黑屏报错“CMOS datetime not set ”或“ CMOS Battery Low CMOS Checksum Bad”


该报错一般是 coms 电池没电或者主板故障导致。




六、 开机黑屏报错“CMOS Settings Wrong”





七、 开机黑屏报错“Default Boot Device Missing or Boot Failed”


“Default Boot Device Missing or Boot Failed” 说明电脑没有找到可启动的设备。如果是已经安装好系统的情况下仍然出现此提示,请按以下步骤进行:



3、使用Windows PE对系统盘分区进行激活,然后重启测试


八、 开机黑屏报错“Error 0135:Fan failure”





2、听机器内部是否有异常响声,确认一下是否有异物落入机器内部。如当前使用的是台式机,且您非常熟悉开箱操作,可在关机断电后打开机箱检查CPU风扇或机箱风扇连接是否正常,观察CPU风扇或机箱风扇转动是否正常,并尝试清理CPU风扇或机箱风扇灰尘。 注:小心操作,清理时注意固定风扇螺丝是否紧固正常。


九、 开机黑屏报错“Error 0162:Setup data integrity check failure”




1、出现error后,按 F1 进 BIOS 设置,按F9恢复默认值后,重新设置CMOS时间及日期F10保存测试。

2、如果是预装 Win10系统,按F1进入 BIOS,将 CSM 选项调整为 Disabled。

十、 开机黑屏报错“Error 0164:Memory size decreaserd”




建议进入 BIOS后F9恢复 BIOS,然后F10保存退出尝试,无效的话建议报修检测具体原因(注:恢复bios前请确认硬盘模式和引导模式等设置,恢复后需要修改回恢复前的状态)。

十一、 开机黑屏报错“Error 0199:sytem security-secrtity password retry count exceded on last boot”













十二、 开机黑屏报错“Error 0200: Failure Fixed Disk 0”




1、确认bios设置正确,您可在开机后连续点击键盘F1(部分机型为F2)键进入Bios,如当前使用Win7系统,则找到Bios下的Exit选项中的OS Optimized Defaults选项应为Disabled,如使用Win10系统则改为Enabled,Win7的Startup下的引导方式为Legacy,Win10为UEFI。 选择Primary Boot Sequence选项,按"+"或"-"键将硬盘调整为第一引导项。 然后按F10保存退出,等待机器重启。

2、若无效建议您备份硬盘数据恢复或重新安装系统,或者尝试开机敲F10选择storage test检测一下硬盘(部分机型带有F10硬件检测工具)。


十三、 开机黑屏报错“Error 0211:Keyboard not found”





十四、 开机黑屏报错“Error 00CE:Machine type and serial number are invalid”





十五、 开机黑屏报错“Error 1802:Unauthorized network card is plugged in…”


Error 1802:Unauthorized network card is plugged in.,此报错 一般是主板BIOS不支持网卡导致,也就是BIOS的白名单没有这个型号的网卡。






十六、 开机黑屏报错“Error 1962:No operating system found”








二、进入BIOS检查电脑的启动项,硬盘是否是第一启动项,可以调整硬盘为第一启动项尝试,尝试修改引导模式切换 UEFI 或 Legacy 引导,无效也可恢复BIOS默认值尝试。





十七、 开机黑屏报错“Error loading operating system”


“Error loading operating system”表示“载入系统时出错”,主要原因是主引导的扇区的损坏或者信息的错乱导致的。



2、使用Windows PE对系统盘分区进行激活,然后重启测试


十八、 开机黑屏报错“Error ATA Device configuration Change Has occurred”





2、如果没有,您可在开机后连续点击键盘F1(部分机型为F2)键进入Bios,如当前使用Win7系统,则找到Bios下的Exit选项中的OS Optimized Defaults选项应为Disabled,Startup下的引导方式为Legacy。

3、如使用Win10,则Bios下的Exit选项中的OS Optimized Defaults选项Enabled,Startup下的引导方式为UEFI。


十九、 开机黑屏报错“floppy disk fail” 或“ A:drive error”




1、如果出现“floppy disk fail”这种报错,您可开机后连续点击F1(部分机型为F2)键进入Bios,找到Devices下的Floppy driver选项改为disabled。如果无效您可在Bios下找到startup或boot选项,找到Primary Boot Sequence菜单,按"+"或"-"键将硬盘调整到第一启动项。

2、如果出现“A:drive error”这种报错,与软驱报错类似,但是如果出现报错的机器没有软驱的设置,您可以进入系统后右击本地磁盘C选择属性,点击工具,选择查错检查磁盘,如果没有报错建议备份数据恢复或重新安装系统,如果有报错或重装系统无效建议预约报修检测硬件。

二十、 开机黑屏报错“Free DOS”




如果您的机器开机提示"Free DOS"则表示您的机器现在运行的是 DOS 系统,如果是刚开箱的机器则表示出厂不带windows 操作系统。 需要您自己准备 window 系统镜像安装系统后使用,建议使用纯净版镜像安装。

二十一、 开机黑屏报错“Hard Disk:S.M.A.R.T. Status Bad”


该报错是由于支持 S.M.A.R.T 技术的硬盘可以通过硬盘上的监测指令和主机上的监测软件对磁头、盘片、马达、电路的运行情况、历史记录及预设的安全值进行分析、比较。当出现安全值范围以外的情况时,就会自动向用户发出警告。



二十二、 开机黑屏报错“Invalid system disk.Replace the disk,and then press any key”




1、如果您是插入了光盘或U盘想要安装系统时出现这种报错,建议您先确认一下使用的光盘或U盘里是否有正常能启动的系统镜像,如果有,您可以在重启后连续点击F1(部分机型为F2)键进入Bios,找到Startup或Boot菜单,选择Primary Boot Sequence选项,按"+"或"-"键将安装盘调整为第一引导项,然后按F10保存退出,等待重启试一下。


3、如果可以正常进入系统,可在重启后连续点击F1(部分机型为F2)键进入Bios,找到Startup或Boot菜单,选择Primary Boot Sequence选项,按"+"或"-"键将硬盘调整为第一引导项,然后按F10保存退出,等待重启试一下。


二十三、 开机黑屏报错“Invalid Partition Table”


该故障的原因一般是硬盘主引导记录中的分区表有错误,系统规定只能有一个分区为活动分区,若分区表中含有多个活动分区标志时,主引导程序会给出Invalid partion table的错误提示。








二十四、 开机黑屏报错“Missing operating system”


“Missing operating system” 说明电脑没有找到可启动的系统。如果是已经安装好系统的情况下仍然出现此提示,请按以下步骤进行:



3、使用Windows PE对系统盘分区进行激活,然后重启测试


二十五、 开机黑屏报错“Primary master hard disk fail”





二十六、 开机黑屏报错“Press esc for recovery menu”


该报错一般是安装GHOST WIN7系统出现,安装GHOST版本后会将WIN7的主引导记录修改成GRUB4DOS,但又找不到(或根本就没有)MENU.LST文件,由此出现该报错。



二十七、 开机黑屏报错“PXE-MOF:Exiting PXE ROM”




1、出现这种报错,如果您不需要使用网络引导可以开机后连续点击F1(部分机型为F2)键,进入Bios找到Device选项下的Network菜单,将下面Boot Agent改为Disabled,然后找到Startup或Boot菜单,选择Primary Boot Sequence选项,按"+"或"-"键将硬盘调整为第一引导项,再按F10保存退出,待主机重启即可。

2、笔记本则在开机后连续点击F1(部分机型为F2)键进入Bios,找到Bios下的Boot选项,将PXE Boot to LAN选项改为Disabled,同样将硬盘调为第一引导项,按F10保存退出,等待机器重启即可。


二十八、 开机黑屏报错“Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller Series … DHCP…”







二十九、 开机黑屏报错“reboot and select proper boot device or insert boot media an selected boot device and press a key”





2、您也可以开机等屏幕亮起后连续点击键盘F12键进入boot menu启动菜单,如果能看到硬盘则选择硬盘启动,如果可以正常进入系统,可在重启后连续点击F1(部分机型为F2)键进入Bios,找到Startup或Boot菜单,选择Primary Boot Sequence选项,按"+"或"-"键将硬盘调整为第一引导项。

3、如果点击F12键进入boot menu启动菜单后能看到硬盘但进不去系统,建议备份数据恢复或者重装系统,如果重装无效或启动菜单中看不到硬盘,建议您预约报修检测硬件。

三十、 开机黑屏报错“Remove disks or other medie press any key to restart”





2、您也可以开机等屏幕亮起后连续点击键盘F12键,如果能看到硬盘则选择硬盘启动,如果可以正常进入系统,可在重启后连续点击F1(部分机型为F2)键进入Bios,找到Startup或Boot菜单,选择Primary Boot Sequence选项,按"+"或"-"键将硬盘调整为第一引导项。


三十一、 开机黑屏报错“SMART Failure Predicted on Hard Disk 0”





三十二、 开机黑屏报错“The battery installed is not supported by this system”





三十三、 开机黑屏报错“There has been a signature failure”





三十四、 开机黑屏报错“This System does not support batteries that are not genuine Lenovo-Made or Authorized”





三十五、 开机黑屏报错“Unauthorized Wireless network card is plugged in. Power off and remove it”






三十六、 开机黑屏报错“02F0:CPU ID55 No Microcode Update Loaded for Alternate Processor”





懂你英语 Level 3 - Unit 3

There are many forms of life on Earth, including human beings.

Live exists in various of conditions.

Some forms of life live in a watery environment like the oceans.

Other forms of life can be found in very dry areas like deserts.

However for any form of life to exist conditions must be right.

When the conditions are not right. That form of live will become extinct.

To become extinct means to die out completely.

Conditions must be right for life to exist.

Millions of years ago there were forms of life that no longer exist.

When conditions changed these forms of life died out.

One extinction event happened about 250 million years ago.

This was the largest extinction event of all time.

Many forms of life became extinct.

96 percent of all life in the oceans died out.

Most insects also became extinct.

This event happened over a period of several million years.

The causes of this extinction event are still unknown.

Possible causes include large volcano eruption and global warming.

Some scientists believe that there were several causes.

They believe that a series of events caused the extinctions.

Scientists are working to better understand what really happened.

In modern times we humans face changing conditions.

For humans to live we need clean air and clean water.

Pollution is now a growing problem around the world.

Pollution poisons the air and water that we depend on.

Polluted air makes people sick and afraid to go outside.

Polluted water poisons our food supply.

As a result we never know which foods are safe to eat.

Human beings can not live in a poisoned environment.

Therefor pollution is a major threat to our existence.

Humans need temperatures to be in a conformable range.

To be in a conformable range means to be nether too hot nor too cold.

With global warming global temperatures are rising.

As temperatures rise the polar icecaps will melt.

As the polar icecaps melt ocean levels will rise.

Areas of some countries will soon be under water.

People will be forced to relocate from flooded areas.

In nature even small changes can sometimes have large effects.

It's difficult to predict what's going to happen.

The entire ecosystem that we depend on is changing.

Some of these changes are irreversible.

Irreversible changes can not be undone.

Let's hope that humans are smart enough to understand how the world is changing.

With more understanding we can make better choices of what to do.

We can face the challenges of pollution and global warming.

We need to do this before it's too late.

This planet Earth is our only home and we need to protect it.

Mammals are covered by hair and fur have a backbone and warm blooded.

All female mammals produce milk for their young.

Reptiles are covered by scales and includes snakes lizards and tortoise.

Reptiles have a backbone and are cold blooded which means they often rely on external sources of heat.

Birds are covered by feathers and are warm blooded.

Most birds can fly and many types of birds migrate great distances.

Most insects such as ants and bees have a small 3 part body with 3 pairs of legs.

Some insects, like mosquitoes spread diseases that cause the deaths of many humans.

Unlike animals plants get the energy that they need from the Sun.

Plants can convert alone side carbon dioxide and water

Mammals include some of the most intelligent animals on Earth, such as elephants and human beings.

Units of weight include kilograms and ponds. And units of length include centimeters and inches.

These instruments are used to observe very large and very small objects.

Telescopes are used by astronomers. And microscopes are used by microbiologist and doctors.

These appliances are used in the kitchens of almost every home.

Stoves are used to heat food and refrigerators are used to keep foods cool or cold.

Household tools like these are used to build and repair things.

.If you need to pounding a nail use a hammer.

What's in that big box you are carrying.

it's a new desk.

I just bought it and now I have to put it together.

Do you need any help

No I don't think so.

I just need to get my tools.

I'll need a screwdriver and maybe a hammer.

Don't forget to read the instructions.

How were things going

I'm almost finished.

Something doesn't look right to me.

The right side is higher than the left side.

Oh you're right.

It looks like I put a couple of the screws into the wrong places.

So now you'll have to take it apart.

Great, and I thought I was almost finished.

I told you to read the instructions.

Did you read them

No I didn't read them.

I hate to read instructions.

I looked at them, but they were confusing.

Well this is what happened when you don't.

You were too impatient.

Anyway what can I do to help you

Could you get another screwdriver and help me unscrew some of these screws

Ok, but next time please read the instructions.

Do you ever look up to the sky and think about life and universe

I did when I was a kid.

But I don't do that very much any more.

Why do you ask

Sometimes I feel like I've lost in day to day details.

Then when I look up at the sky I see the bigger picture.

I appreciate things more, even the little things.

You sound like a philosopher or a poet.

I feel like that too when I was a kid.

Don't you feel that anymore

No I don't. In fact I try not to.

When I think about things to deeply I get depressed.

It's even a bit frightening.

Really For me It's just the opposite. Everything seems like a wonderful miracle.

Doesn't that frightening you a bit

The universe is so large and we are so small.

What are you realize is how little we understand.

We just need to appreciate our lives and not get lost.

Sometimes being lost isn't so bad.

Do you know the expression "Ignorance is bliss".

Sure. I've heard it many times.

To be ignorant is to be happy.

Maybe it's true.

Maybe it's best to not know or think too much.

No that's not for me.

I wanna understand as much as possible.

That's why I became a scientist.

Well I respect your choice. But it's not for me.

If understanding is painful I'd rather not understand.

Henry is on a business trip.

Yesterday he was supposed to fly from San Francisco to Shanghai.

However things didn't turn out the way they were supposed to.

In fact, nothing went way it was supposed to.

Everything went wrong and he didn't get on his flight.

As a result, he still in San Francisco.

The following is a summary of what happened.

Yesterday morning he got up as usual and had breakfast.

Everything seemed to be fine and he was looking forward to the trip.

He was just about to check out of his hotel when he felt a pain.

It was a pain in his lower back.

It was a dow pain at first not too bad.

So he didn't worry about it and check out the hotel.

Then he got on a shuttle bus and go to the airport.

About half way to the airport the pain in his back started to get worse.

It was a growing pain and he was beginning to worry.

Soon it was difficult for him to sit in a seat.

The pain was getting worse.

He wanna to lie down.

He started to sweat and breathe quickly.

He was in real pain then.

On a scale of 1-10 the pain was an 8.

When the bus got to the airport the bus driver helped him get off.

It was difficult for him to walk but he finally made it to the terminal.

Inside the terminal he went to the mens bathroom.

He went to the toilet but that didn't help.

Instead of improving he felt dizzy and he threw up.

By now he was wet from all the sweating.

He knew he couldn't get on his flight.

He used his phone to call the airline.

He explained the situation and cancelled his reservation.

Then he called 911 for emergency help.

911 is the emergence number to call for help in United States.

An ambulance arrived about 10 minutes after he called.

By then he was in so much pain that he could barely walk.

Once inside the ambulance, they gave him oxygen to help him to breathe.

But the pain was still terrible.

Then they drove him to a hospital near the airport.

Luckily the hospital was in his health plan.

That means his health insurance will pay almost everything.

Medical cost in United States are very high.

Harry didn't have to stay at the hospital for very long.

Solar energy is one of the cleanest and most plentiful sources of energy.

Solar power depends on sunlight. So in cloudy weather and at night no power is generated.

Wind energy is non polluting but it's only useful in places where there is a lot of wind.

Wind turbines convert the kinetic 运动的 energy of the wind into mechanical power.

Nuclear energy is efficient and doesn't produce carbon gases as a waste product.

The dangers of nuclear power include deadly radioactive waste products.

A major source of energy comes from the burning of fossil fuels such as coal and oil.

When we burn fossil fuels waste gases such as CO2 are produced.

Fossil fuels remain the largest source of energy for most countries.

Hydropower 水电 comes from the kinetic energy of falling water.

Output is reliable and can be regulated to meet the demand, except

during the period of dropped


We need to reduce the use of fossil fuels to produce energy.

Here are some different types of words in English.

Words that are nouns or pronouns are used to represent objects.

A nouns or a pronoun can be a person an animal or a thing including an idea.

Verbs are use to express actions, such as to sit down or stand up.

We also use verbs to express relationships such as to love someone or to own something.

We use adjectives to describe objects such as a tall building.

Adjectives are use with nouns and pronouns but not with verbs.

We use adverbs to describe actions such as to run fast or walk slowly.

Adverbs express the quality of an action. Such as how well or poorly something is done.

We use conjunctions to connect things or actions, such as to read and write.

Conjunctions include words such as and or because but and yet.

Hey I've got some news. Some good news and some bad news.

Okay, give me the bad news first.

We are moving to a new office.

When is this going to happen.

We're supposed to move at the end of next month.

How far away is the new office.

We're not sure yet. But it will mean a longer commute for most of us.

The new office will probably beyond the other side of the city.

The commute is already too long for me and I'm not going to change flats. We just bought one.

Anyway what's the good news

The good news is that we're going to expand.

The company is growing so we gonna hire more people.

Well I've got some news for you too.

I hope it's good news.

Well that depends on your point of view.

I'm planing to start my own business.

Why I thought you were happy working here.

I like the work but I'm not learning anything new.

I think I can do better on my own.

I was planing to wait a few month.

But now that the office is moving I'm ready to make the change.

What is your wife think

She's in favor of it, and she'll help me.

She's already designing a website.

We'll work from home at first.

So you really are serious about this.

You're taking a big risk.

Most new businesses fail.

Yes I know, but if I don't do it now, I never will.

I'm tired of working for others.

I know what you mean.

Don't tell anyone about this, okay

It's still a secret.

Sure, I won't say anything to anybody.

I'm sure this will come as a surprise to everyone.

I'm sure changing offices will also come as a surprise to people.

This is exactly why I want to work on my own.

I don't like these kinds of surprises.

You're right about that.

When are you going to let people know.

I'll make the announcements at the beginning of next month.

2017-06-29 13:14:19

When he was 15 he was sent to Florence.

In Florence, he became an apprentice to a famous master painter.

For the next few years Leonardo worked at his master's workshop.

It wasn't long before his ability surpassed that of his master.

Factories like this one allow harmful chemicals to get into the air or water.

The British writer Jane Austen 简·奥斯丁 was born in England in 1775 one of seven children.

She wrote some of the most popular love stories of all time.

One of the most famous female rulers in history Cleopatra 埃及艳后 had affairs with Julius Caesar 凯撒 and later with Marc Anthony 马克·安东尼 .

She was known for her great beauty and charming voice.

Born in 1756 Mozart 莫扎特 composed and performed some of the worlds greatest classical music.

He was the youngest of seven children and by the age of five he was already composing music.

The son of a king Alexander the Great 亚历山大大帝 was a military leader who created one of the largest empire in ancient world.

As a youths Alexander was taught by the Greek philosopher Aristotle 亚里士多德 .

Mahatma Gandhi 甘地 was a 20th century's leader who use non-violence residence to lead India to independence.

Gandhi dedicated his life to the pursuit of truth.

2017-06-30 12:34:38

I'd like to speak with Mr. Bennett please.

I'm sorry but he's not here right now.

Would you like to leave a voice message.

It's urgent that I speak with him.

It's emergency.

Oh, I see. What kind of emergency.

It's very personal so I can't give you any details.

Without more details, I'm afraid I can't give you his number.

Give me your number and I'll let him know about your call.

Then maybe he'll call you back will that be okay

Sure, my number is 5834987.

It would be great if he could call me within the next half hour.

That was a great dinner.

Here put away your wallet I'll pay the bill.

You paid last time, this time it's my turn to pay.

Hey you don't have a job and I do let me pay.

Thanks for the offer but I can handle it.

Wait let's flip for it.

Flip for it what does that mean.

Do you see this coin

This side is heads and the opposite side is tails.

I'll flip it up in the air.

If it comes down with heads facing up I'll pay.

If tails is up you can pay.

Okay, that's fine with me.

Look it's heads up so I'll pay.

Thanks it's very nice of you.

It's my pleasure.

Do you want anything else sir

Would you like to see the desert menu

No thanks, I'm ready for the check.

Here's my credit card.

I'm sorry sir but we don't take credit cards.

You're joking right

No sir, I'm not joking.

Do you see that sign It says cash only.

I didn't see it when I came in.

I don't have enough cash to pay the bill.

There's a bank down the street sir.

If you let me hold your driver's license you can go and get the cash.

Okay, I hope the bank is open.

The bank is closed, but you can use the ATM to get the cash.
