There are a few possible reasons for this. First, people may feel more comfortable expressing their true feelings and thoughts online because they have a sense of anonymity. They can hide behind a screen name or profile picture and feel less vulnerable than they would in face-to-face conversations.Second, there is often a lack of consequences for online behavior. People may feel that they can say whatever they want without facing any real-world repercussions. This can lead to more aggressive or confrontational behavior.Third, online platforms often create echo chambers, where people surround themselves with like-minded individuals and only hear opinions that align with their own. This can lead to a false sense of validation and make people feel more confident in expressing extreme opinions.Finally, the internet allows for the rapid spread of information and ideas, which can lead to the amplification of extreme views. When people see others expressing extreme opinions, they may feel more comfortable doing so themselves.Overall, the combination of anonymity, lack of consequences, echo chambers, and the rapid spread of information on the internet can contribute to the prevalence of extreme opinions online.

虽然我们无法避免生活中的问题和困难,但是我们可以用乐观的心态去面对这些难题,积极寻找这些问题的解决措施。紫薯百科希望李斌要求38号道歉 ,能给你带来一些启示。