


优质回答一份科学的职业生涯规划书能引导英语专业的学生正确认识自我。那你知道英语专业的职业生涯规划书该吗下面是由我分享的英语专业的 职业规划 范文 ,希望对你有用。





如果你就是一个一般本科 毕业 ,那么就去自己的城市的小学中学当个英语教师,如果继续 考研 读博,那么可以留在高校当老师。现在大学已经严重贬值,英语专业更是下坡路,我们这边现在很多初中都要求华师本部学历。(我的家乡还只是3线城市)现实真的很残酷,除非你有很硬的关系。




说到翻译,英语专业的孩纸一定不会陌生,但是殊不知翻译真的是一条漫长而艰巨的旅途,不要以为过了专八过了高口就可以很好的胜任。一切都是浮云,翻译要求的精准性与时效性不言而喻,不是说随便把一段话自己翻译的认为不错就可以了,作为一个专业的翻译对于个人各方面的素养以及 文化 底蕴要求是很高的。翻译这门艺术真的是高不可测,不过如果你只想去一下什么小作坊之类的公司翻翻字典就可以翻译的。

专家介绍,从企业需求上看,英语专业学生就业形势确实不容乐观。很多企业目前更的是两类英语人才:英语专业能力特别强的人才从事文字类工作,比如翻译;除具备英语能力外还具有 其它 专业背景的综合型人才从事市场、管理类工作。“近年来家长和学生对于英语专业的热情和投入一直居高不下,过度关注的结果,导致市场需求饱和,使大批只掌握了英语的求职者陷入了求职无门的窘境,故而目前,英语专业就业形势不是很乐观。”


1、自己的兴趣、 爱好

出生在教师家庭的我,从小就培养了许多 兴趣爱好 。打 乒乓球 、下象棋、慢跑、阅读、听音乐、上网等等,步入大学校门后,视野就更加开阔了,就更关心社会时事,感觉到的青年大学生肩头上的责任感和使命感。





(4)性格的理智特征在感知注意方面,我是属于那种主动观察的类型,在想象方面,我是属于主动想象的类型,是那种发散型的类型,同时我认为自己在做事情的时候是现实主义与幻想主义的结合。如果按照美国霍兰德的职业兴趣理论的分析,我认为我是属于企业型的职业兴趣者,按照美国人才专家把人们的职业定位类型的五种划分 方法 的话,我认为我是管理型或者是创造型的人。



职业目标:外资企业中级管理人员。学历目标:专科生毕业,取得专科学位;取得律师从业资格、通过计算机二级和英语六级考试;通过注册会计师考试 能力目标:具备在经济领域从事具体法律工作的理论基础,通过实习具有一定的实践 经验 ;接触了解涉外商务活动;英语应用能力具备;锻炼自身交际沟通能力,增加社会经验权威资格认证;有一定的科研能力,发表 5 篇论文。经济目标:校外兼职不少于一万元。


学历目标:取得本科学位 职务目标:外资企业中级管理人员,兼职一分 能力目标:很高的演讲水平,具备组织、领导一个团队的能力;与公司决策层有直接流畅的沟通;具备应付突发事件的心理素质和能力;有广泛的社交范围,有一定的知名度。经济目标:年薪 8-10 万。




我是一名 商务英语 专业的学生。在即将毕业的这几个月里,我主要负责的工作内容是办公室文秘。在这一过程中,我采用了看、问、学等方式,初步了解了公司文秘工作中的具体业务知识,拓展了所学的专业知识。为以后正常工作的展开奠定了坚实的基础,从个人发展方面说,对我影响最大的应该是作为一个社会人工作作风以及在工作过程中专业知识对工作的重要作用,因为这些都是我在校学习中不曾接触过的方面,所以我将在 报告 中首先讲述我在实习期间积累的这方面的认识和经验。

毕业实习是每个大学生必须拥有的一段经历,它使我们在实践中了解社会,让我们学到了很多在课堂上根本就学不到的知识,受益匪浅,也打开了视野,增长了见识,为我们以后进一步走向社会打下坚实的基础。由于我所在的公司是北京驻乌的一个办事处,是一家私企,所以我刚开始的工作并不忙,没有感觉到很累。只是每天都要守在电话和传真机旁。很耗时间,第一天就因为坐了一天腰酸背痛的。但是过了几天就稍有点习惯了,每天向我同一个办公室的女孩学习一些办公知识。刚步入工作岗位,才发现自己有很多都不懂的。现在在办公室,有闲的时候就会看一些会计方面的书,虽然自己所学的专业在此时没有派上什么用场,但我觉得应该多学点,有几个技能在以后找工作也可以给自己我几个选择。我现在上班近两个月了,在这短短一个多月中,曾有几次想过干完一个月不干了。也许我是刚开始工作,有时受不了经理给的“气”, 自己心里很不舒服,就想辞职再重新换个工作得了。但静下心来仔细想想,再换个工作也是的,在别人手底下工作不都是这样么刚开始,就应该踏踏实实的干好自己的工作,毕竟又没有工作经验,现在有机会了就要从各方面锻炼自己。不然,想念以后干什么都会干不好的。我现在的工作,相比其他人来说待遇挺不错的了,也不是和其他人比,工作也不是很难,很容易进入工作,关键是学习对人怎么说话、态度及其处事。由于经验少,我现在这方面还有欠缺。现在才明白,在校做一名学生,是多么的好啊!早晚要工作,早晚要步入社会,早晚要面对这些避免不了的事。所以,现在我很珍惜学习的机会,多学一点总比没有学的好,花同样的时间,还不如多学,对以后择业会有很大的帮助。



针对文员这个职位的特点,具体到挫折时,不妨从调整心态来舒解压力,面对挫折。古曰“天降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为,增益其所不能。” 遇到挫折时应进行冷静分析,从客观、主观、目标、环境、条件等方面,找出受挫的原因,采取有效的补救 措施 。树立一个辩证的挫折观,经常保持自信和乐观的态度,要认识到正是挫折和教训才使我们变得聪明和成熟,正是失败本身才最终造就了成功。学会自我宽慰,能容忍挫折,要心怀坦荡,情绪乐观,发奋图强。善于化压力为动力,改变内心的压抑状态,以求身心的轻松,重新争取成功,从而让目光面向未来。复印、传真、公文处理等文秘工作我都基本熟练。文秘管理要制发文件,处理文件和管理文件。在各种文件中,大部分具有不同程度的保密性,而且各级秘书人员经常接近领导,看一些重要文件,参加一些重要会议,所以,秘书人员在公共场合活动时要注意内外有别,把握分寸,对什么应该说什么不应该说要心中有数。准确,是对工作质量的要求。文秘管理的准确性是指正确体现政策,正确表达领导意图,正确地办文办事,言行有分寸,文字能达意。它在一定程度上保证领导工作的准备性。文秘管理的准确性,涉及的方面很多,简要地说,就是:办文要准,办事要稳,情况要实,主意要慎。而要做到这些,必须态度认真,作风过细,不能疏忽大意,不能马虎潦草。比如说办理公文,就要保证文件的质量,用词要准确,材料要真实,抄写要认真,校对要仔细,力求每一个环节都不发生差错。否则就会贻误工作,甚至酿成难以弥补的损失。

我在实习的过程中,既有收获的喜悦,也有一些遗憾。也许是实习日子短和我并非文秘专业的关系,对文秘有些工作的认识仅仅停留在表面,只是在看人做,听人讲如何做,未能够亲身感受、具体处理一些工作,所以未能领会其精髓。但时通过实习,加深了我对文秘基本知识的理解,丰富了我的实际 管理知识 ,使我对日常文秘管理工作有了一定的感性和理性认识。认识到要做好日常企业文秘管理工作,既要注重管理理论知识的学习,更重要的是要把实践与理论两者紧密相结合。





从XX年开始,随着高校扩招的毕业生陆续进入求职市场,我国大学毕业生的人数在今后一段时间内将呈现出明显的上升趋势,根据 教育 部提供的数据,XX年全国大学毕业生总数为145万,XX年为212万,到XX年将达到280万。XX年已达到4100万,在社会需求没有显著增加的情 况下,

毕业人数的迅速增长势必导致大学生就业压力的增大。大学生就业由过去的“精英型”就业向“大众化”就业转变,已经出现农民工、和大学生竞争同一岗位 的局面。目前全国的大学生就业市场出现北京上海等大城市及沿海经济发达地区就业市场明显供对于求,西部等偏远地区供小于求;

中小城市师范生的需求也已经饱 和,而农村对师范类的毕业生的需求得不到满足。就业市场的需求呈现不均衡分布。发达地区大学生就业工资现为1500元-3000元/月不等,中小城市大学 生工资为800元-XX元/月。由于XX年后升入高中的学生人数开始下降,师范生进入学校的难度会越来越大。


如某校外语专业的毕业生XX年就业率为95、8%,其中英语师范生一次签约率55%,专节本学生一次签约率为36%,日语专业学生一次签约率为100%, 学生考研率为13%。在城市内进入公办学校的的只有4人、其余进入公办学校的均在县城初高中任教。有37 %学生进入私立英语培训学校的,有41%的学生进入外企、三资或涉外企业,15%学生考研、 考公务员 、 出国 或进武警部队。




具备一定的商贸英语、 广告 英语、服装英语、 保险 英语、时世政治英语等各行业的英语知识,网业制作、多媒体、编程等计算机技能,公文写作能力、良好的沟通协调能力、口语表达能力、团队合作能力,应变能力、良好的心理调适能力


目前我们外院学生普遍存在的问题是:口语表达能力不强、做事的主动性较差、收集处理消化信息能力很弱、抗压能力弱、合作能力不行、考虑问题深度不够、细节问题注意不到、做事应付现象较多 作出正确选择的能力






职业规划应该贯穿大学4年的全过程之中,高校就业指导部门除了要建立了相应完善的就业指导体系和职能部门外,还应该从大学生一年级开始,对他们进行职业生涯规划教育和指导。当然,由于四个年级的学生年级特点不一样,需要采取的方式和途径也不相同,同时又因为学生个体的差异选择的时间和方式途径也应 油酥不同。

大一为了解初探期:学生主要加深对本专业的培养目标和就业方向的认识,增强学习专业的自学性,培养学生的专业学习目标并让学生初步了解将来所从事的专业职 业,及专业辐射职业,了解应具备的各种素质,强调在学习活动生活注意培养自己把小事平常事做细做实做完美的好习惯,如在假期安排“按星级宾馆的清扫标准打 扫家居”活动,鼓励学生通过参加各项活动,锻炼自己的文字能力、审美创美能力各种能力,学生参加社团、 社会实践 活动,在各种活动中不断思考 总结 提高自己。 如参与学生自愿者工作,提高自己的责任感、主动性和受挫能力,个人的学期 工作计划 、班级工作计划、活动工作计划等文字能力锻炼,。每一位学生要建立自己“人才库”档 案,记录自己的特点、兴趣、职业能力倾向、参与活动、拓展能力、 自我评价 等内容。形成宽泛的职业生涯规划。锻炼的途径和方式参加是积极参加院系活动,侧重 点是强化个人细节习惯的养成锻炼及参加活动后的审美感悟。


优质回答英语演讲,实际上与其他语言的演讲没有太大的区别。演讲重要的就是打动你的听众。我为大家整理了关于大学生创业 英语 演讲稿 3篇,欢迎大家阅读。


Recently, the sub-loan crisis, Lehman Brothers bankrupt, Merrill Lynch & Co. changed hands, the continued turmoil in the global economy, global financial crises are rampant. Unemployment and employment problem faced by various countries and has become the focus of attention, following, I will explain the impact of financial crisis on college students in detail, and give some advice to college students about responding to the financial crisis. First of all, under the impact of the financial crisis, the problem of the employment becomes more and more prominent. As more and more people attach importance to education, the number of college graduates is also increasing year by year, now, the financial-crisis make more difficult in the employment of college students. Secondly, the financial crisis forced the students to change the concept of employment. In the impact of the financial crisis, the students had to change the concept of previous employment, mainly in the following two aspects:

First, students lowered the expectations of all aspects, such as high wages, good working environment, low-intensity work, and so on. Second, many college students are willing to go to small cities and rural areas to work.

Third, the financial crisis makes the cost of looking for work higher. The cost includes time, money, energy, physical costs. Most small-size company bankrupt or being-bankrupt, they canceled the original recruitment plans, and even layoffs, making the position of jobs very few. There are many students voted in resume, no echo, spent a lot of energy and time. Fourth, more and more college students pay attention to the pre-vocational training. In order to adapt to the work, enterprise more and more pay attention to the quality of talent.

University students in order to improve their competitiveness, many college students choose a pre-vocational training before work.

Fifth, more and more college Students start their own business-plan. Under the influence of the financial crisis, college students start their own business-plan with the support and assistance of schools, government and society.

Finally, under the employment pressure, an increasing number of graduates choose to further studies. In the severe employment pressure, most university graduates choose to continue to deepen their professional knowledge, in order to avoid a period of sluggish job market. Then, face the financial crisis, college students how to deal with this I will present my views and suggestions.

(1) Students should be to maintain an optimistic attitude, see the crises, at the same time, must have the eyes of finding-machine. After a analysis of marketing, choose a good business project, with the help and assistance of society, government, schools and other organize, carry out own businesses plan. This is not only can avoid the brutal competition for jobs, and can enliven the employment environment to ease the employment pressure.

(2) To find work, attention should be paid to the individual capital accumulated. In this particular job environment, students can choose small and medium-sized company, may also be engaged in flexible employment, including temporary employment, part-time employment. In the employment process, college student must concern about the individual capital accumulated, in order to find better job.

(3) Continuing their education through the difficult period of employment. Students may choose to post-graduate studies, on the one hand, it can increase the professional knowledge, on the other hand, it can avoid the hard-time of employment-marking.

(4)College students should do the job of the training to enrich and improve themselves, and to enhance the competitiveness of their own employment and achieve self-confidence of employment.

(5) Students should change the concept of employment. Students can no longer hold the concept of previous employment to find job, can not stare at the big city and indulge in easy, comfortable job. Serving small-sized cities, towns, villages and countries should be considered.

(6) When college students look for a job, college students should make good use of social network. In China's cultural background, the use of networks of social relations is very helpful. Especially in the tight labor market environment, Specific social networks, such as: parents, relatives, classmates, friends, alumni.

(7) Students should adjust the mentality of a good employment and reduce their employment expectations, we should be employed first, and then find another good job.

(8)College students should grasp any internship opportunities to upgrade their professional knowledge and application of practical ability, in order to improve their competitiveness of employment.

Overall, under the impact of financial crisis, college students not only to changes the primary concepts in employment, but also continuously upgrade the quality and ability of their own, participate in job training to strengthen and expand their professional knowledge.

Besides, college student should make good use of the help of schools, government and social, start own businesses plan.


Nowadays, more and more university graduates complain that graduation does not equate to employment. They experience great difficulties finding satisfactory jobs. What is the cause of this phenomenon

In my opinion, there are four causes:

First, graduates lack experience. They spend most of their time at school studying academic subjects and lack relevant job training. Only after graduation do they realize it’s hard to find jobs.

Second, competition among graduates grows more bitter and more bitter and bitter. The supply of university graduates exceeds social demand. This results in a decreased chance for any individual graduate to find a job.

Third, some students don’t study hard. Some of them skip classes just because they have no interest in certain subjects. Some play computer games or pursue other interests. Some sleep in class or in the library. Then they leave the sheltered environment of the university campus, to discover they don’t have adequate knowledge to apply for many positions, which makes them feel lost and frustrated.

Finally, some graduates are conceited. They lack experience but ask for a high salary, which is impractical.

So, university students should try their best to change this situation. When they are in school, they should make the most of their time and put their heart into their studies. They can hold part-time jobs in their spare time to accumulate relevant work experience. They should take part in some social activities and provide themselves with special training, if possible. When they graduate and apply for jobs, they should attach more importance to accumulating experience than to their starting salary.


Good afternoon! The topic of my speech today is "the youth to venture".

Very pleased to be able to discuss and offer this topic, youth, youth need to realize their life values and business isthe best way to realize their life values, So we can draw a conclusion - youth need. Business is business, difficult, As we years cold window study, we urge the mood of a weltburgergesellschaft university school. Here, we absorb the previous wisdom receiving the humanistic moral essence, the baptism. We are happy, is honored. Because we are students, we have knowledge of the oceans, swim perseverance have tenacity climbing, science is more rational traversing a colorful world.

People gave us the glorious titles, give us so much pleasure aura, gave us a hearty repaying the society, the family of the sacred duty. This is our students have conscience. In the palace of knowledge that we do with friend, a day for soul to get noble personality, to get high, let life! It sublimation Some people do, always let conscience and try our best to move yourself traction of the solid foundation of exhibition pad. However, make us sadly, in this way to light and bright, someone is easily throwing a conscience, let the dark covered himself.

Ma3 jia jue2, once the lovely children, old stories, but never thought he would personally killed died four classmates their classmates. Four not blind soul left for us, is deeply thinking. As a college student, ma3 jia jue2, this should defend their conscience of the land, positive and optimistic, overcome psychological do so. But regret is he vanished all this, let oneself with the same crime ripper platform, the ultimate let ruined his evil. He was sad, because he can't let students in their heart of conscience, thus causing a deep-rooted today that cannot be redeemed tragic.

And this one for his misfortune, or the cry for his naive and laugh, because of xianyang male freshmen in regard to the flowers on valentine's day, but he declined to girls were to choose from and to stop himself and life. He gave his people died, but he's young, sympathy, sympathy of his ignorance. As college students, no students more AD cool-headed, disposal of college students should have broad mind, it is really a college's grief.

More has an incredibly legal professional college students, in order to pay for his father, was kidnapped 20 yuan, blackmail neighbor kid cash. The arrest, but not to hurt, the disposal of the request. True, the pain is the harrowing for her so thin legal consciousness of pain, She was so easy for his wonderful future ruin the pain, As a student, she is more devoid of conscience hurts.

In the event, etc, bring us around us is shocked, is thinking. Ask: what is in our heart, we make the changes they produce quality Is inferior, is fragile, is ignorant, I this is the answer.

Faced with the setback, career, they could not overcome by perseverance and wisdom, stupid and failure, Facing the trap they can't live, because blindly reined in one story, and fall. All crimes to produce is wrong, seemingly career, sound the mistakes of others, but I think the criticism is more shall as a student, but devoid of college friends. We are sincere, optimistic, our college, and civilization, we warmly, full of career of life, full of faith. This is the essence of us, it is our friend. Ma3 jia jue2, they threw out these, it is their grief, but we don't. Our understanding of the meaning of life philosophy, we engraved the limited life, cast into the endless for human life seeks happiness, WangShi died in light of energy, lets the human, to illuminate the generations of fire burning.

The classmate! Don't let the tragedy of silly songs, repeat, encourage repeat in this permeated with wisdom and thinking on the stage. Let us join hands to keep our conscience, in order to play the contemporary university students' fine belongs to us. Let us join hands to defend our conscience, in order to open belong to our life of contemporary college students sailing.


1. 大学生创业英语演讲稿3篇

2. 大学生就业英语演讲稿3篇

3. 大学生励志英语演讲稿3篇

4. 2分钟励志英语演讲稿3篇

5. 大学生英语演讲稿3篇




优质回答The financial crisis is severely affecting our colleges and universities. Currently, tuition costs have risen out of control and even if students can get student loans to attend college, it puts them into the workforce under a pile of debt, essentially subjecting them to economic enslavement for decades. In fact, many government agencies are now offering to pay off tuition debts if the graduating students do a rather long stint with government employment.

The Universities have been unable to control costs and due to supply and demand issues, coupled with the easy money of government guaranteed loans to college students. Academia is broken, just like the Health Care System, Banking System and Housing Markets, worse the runaway costs have the taxpayers holding the key. Academia has abused their status like the leaders of the other groups.

The unfortunate thing is that we trust academia to insure the education of the next generation which will lead us. It is critical, unfortunately the system is rotten to the core with agendas and the very thing they accuse the entrepreneurial capitalists is something they themselves are engaged in and yet, they remain immune to the realities of; mostly due to the hijacking of the system and political influences.

The future of our nation's educational system is at stake, whom will run this nation if we cannot give a viable education to the next generation; a countries strength and power can be wiped out in a single generation if education fails. Yet, academia will not come clean. Capitalism has been working in spite the socialist intervention, but the baggage and debris is about to collapse the roof on its house, so one needs to ask; who is really the intellectual strength of our civilization

Because from where I am standing, it seems rather silly for anyone to insist that our Universities and Colleges are educating our next generation in an efficient matter, academia is broken and if they cannot even run their own domain, I ask; How can we trust them to tell us how to run our civilization Think on this; open for suggestions and comments.


Recently, the sub-loan crisis, Lehman Brothers bankrupt, Merrill Lynch & Co. changed hands, the continued turmoil in the global economy, global financial crises are rampant. Unemployment and employment problem faced by various countries and has become the focus of attention, following, I will explain the impact of financial crisis on college students in detail, and give some advice to college students about responding to the financial crisis.

First of all, under the impact of the financial crisis, the problem of the employment becomes more and more prominent. As more and more people attach importance to education, the number of college graduates is also increasing year by year, now, the financial-crisis make more difficult in the employment of college students.

Secondly, the financial crisis forced the students to change the concept of employment. In the impact of the financial crisis, the students had to change the concept of previous employment, mainly in the following two aspects: First, students lowered the expectations of all aspects, such as high wages, good working environment, low-intensity work, and so on. Second, many college students are willing to go to small cities and rural areas to work.

Third, the financial crisis makes the cost of looking for work higher. The cost includes time, money, energy, physical costs. Most small-size company bankrupt or being-bankrupt, they canceled the original recruitment plans, and even layoffs, making the position of jobs very few. There are many students voted in resume, no echo, spent a lot of energy and time.

Fourth, more and more college students pay attention to the pre-vocational training. In order to adapt to the work, enterprise more and more pay attention to the quality of talent. University students in order to improve their competitiveness, many college students choose a pre-vocational training before work.

Fifth, more and more college Students start their own business-plan. Under the influence of the financial crisis, college students start their own business-plan with the support and assistance of schools, government and society.

Finally, under the employment pressure, an increasing number of graduates choose to further studies. In the severe employment pressure, most university graduates choose to continue to deepen their professional knowledge, in order to avoid a period of sluggish job market.

Then, face the financial crisis, college students how to deal with this I will present my views and suggestions.

(1) Students should be to maintain an optimistic attitude, see the crises, at the same time, must have the eyes of finding-machine. After a analysis of marketing, choose a good business project, with the help and assistance of society, government, schools and other organize, carry out own businesses plan. This is not only can avoid the brutal competition for jobs, and can enliven the employment environment to ease the employment pressure.

(2) To find work, attention should be paid to the individual capital accumulated. In this particular job environment, students can choose small and medium-sized company, may also be engaged in flexible employment, including temporary employment, part-time employment. In the employment process, college student must concern about the individual capital accumulated, in order to find better job.

(3) Continuing their education through the difficult period of employment. Students may choose to post-graduate studies, on the one hand, it can increase the professional knowledge, on the other hand, it can avoid the hard-time of employment-marking.

(4)College students should do the job of the training to enrich and improve themselves, and to enhance the competitiveness of their own employment and achieve self-confidence of employment.

(5) Students should change the concept of employment. Students can no longer hold the concept of previous employment to find job, can not stare at the big city and indulge in easy, comfortable job. Serving small-sized cities, towns, villages and countries should be considered

(6) When college students look for a job, college students should make good use of social network. In China's cultural background, the use of networks of social relations is very helpful. Especially in the tight labor market environment, Specific social networks, such as: parents, relatives, classmates, friends, alumni.

(7) Students should adjust the mentality of a good employment and reduce their employment expectations, we should be employed first, and then find another good job.

(8)College students should grasp any internship opportunities to upgrade their professional knowledge and application of practical ability, in order to improve their competitiveness of employment.

Overall, under the impact of financial crisis, college students not only to changes the primary concepts in employment, but also continuously upgrade the quality and ability of their own, participate in job training to strengthen and expand their professional knowledge. Besides, college student should make good use of the help of schools, government and social, start own businesses plan.



















As a college student, what is important to you Your friends, grades, the Eagles' score, weekend plans Well, the current state of our economy should now become your top priority. Whether you realize it or not, this situation is going to directly affect our futures.

This crisis affecting the economy is one of the most significant events to occur during our lifetime and most college students are unaware of its severity. So much of our time is idly spent following celebrities and sports when we should be focusing on larger issues that actually impact our daily lives.

In less than one month, The United States of America will elect a new leader into the president's office. Whoever is elected in November has the daunting task of leading our nation into uncharted waters. No one knows exactly what is going on and what is going to happen. These are all reasons that we should be investing our time into learning about these issues and how they affect both our families and us.

As a result of the credit crisis, America's job market is going to be exceptionally tough to break into. According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, there was a net loss of 159,00 jobs in September, bringing the year-to-date total to 760,000.

We as college students, should try to secure our futures while we can by making sure we are marketable enough to land a job after graduation.

Graduating seniors are not the only students who should be worried about what will happen over the next few months and the job market is far from the only issue affected by the crisis.

For those still in college and the many who will be entering college come next fall, money will be difficult to find. Federally guaranteed loans that offer fixed, below-market rates may require higher fees to borrow money and some students may be turned away by banks from the start.

Two of the nation's largest student loan organizations, the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency and The College Loan Corp., recently announced that they are going to temporarily stop making federally guaranteed loans.

So what does this mean Basically that with the rising cost of tuition every year, college, for some, is going to become less affordable.

We need to be paying attention to these fiscal issues because in a few short years, we are going to be paying off our current loans as well as dealing with the aftermath of the credit crisis.

Our generation will be key to electing a president who will have to face some of the toughest decisions of our nation's history. There is no reason or excuse for us to not be informed and not care about what lies ahead.

This isn't something our parents are going to have to deal with. Come January, Barack Obama or John McCain will be leading our country for the next four years into the unknown and this unknown is our future. Therefore, it is imperative we invest at least a little of our time into learning about the issues that truly matter.


As college seniors prepare to enter the workforce, job competition must be taken seriously, specifically for those entering the financial sector. According to UWire.com, "recruiters from banking firms are already skipping out on career expos and backing out of previous agreements as their companies are being bailed out by government loans or are looking to sell or merge with other banks."

Woodley said that he agreed that job stability in a shaky economy is a challenge.

"Employment is not going to be easy. You are going to be competing with highly qualified people who just lost their jobs," she said. "Understand that employment is going to be an issue and begin the job search early."

Senior business major Brad Venard anticipates employment challenges. "This financial crisis will more than likely affect me getting a job," he said.

Similarly, the housing market is being restructured.

"The people who are coming out five years ahead of you had more lenient (housing) terms. Those days are probably over," Woodley said.

The volatile economy is apparent in the housing market. "Most houses are going down in value. The equity has gone below what the mortgage is. You're paying for an asset that's not an asset," Collins said.

Collins said he recognized that there is no longer easy money for Generation Y to use to buy a house. "Samford's graduating class of 10 years ago could go into the labor market and buy a house with no money down. Also, 50 percent of the current generation's marriages have gone down the toilet. This is an outcome of easy money," he said. "(This generation) will be much less subject to the craziness of life."

"Should you be saving Absolutely," Woodley said. "In the near term, being very smart would be best."

Senior business major Brad Johnson said he feels that saving is important for college-age students. "It will affect how much I save because banks are going to be less willing to loan money," he said.

Woodley suggested sitting down with a financial adviser to decide where to invest.

Easier times, in Collins' opinion, "prolongs youthful behaviors."

The next generation of Samford students and college graduates face different times.

"I'm not against youth, there's nothing wrong with going out. But you'll see fewer 30-year-old boys in this next generation. Their parents won't be able to help them as much," Collins said.


Everybody has been talking about how the credit market and plummeting stocks are disrupting our parents' overall financial well-being. However nobody, not surprisingly, is talking about what this will do to students. I decided to do some research and figure out what will happen to US.

First of all, I discovered that college students are seen as "risky candidates" for private loans. We are young, therefore unstable in the eyes of capitalism so the fact that these loan companies are in a crunch means that we are unlikely candidates for money. Even those of us who were lucky enough to get credit and had our loans approved are now seeing delays in distribution of that money. I met a woman named Susan who told me that her son had his loans approved, but after starting classes had his loans fall through like a bounced check. One can do little to ensure that this will not happen to you, so talk to registrars, financial aid counselors, and banks to know the status of your loan.

Loans are the obvious issue, but what people are not talking about is what happens after we graduate. Ironically, the Princeton Review named Business Administration and Management as America's most popular major. Obviously companies are cutting back on both full-time employees and interns to save money, so jobs are scarce. The same applies for public school education and nursing. All institutions are in a bind and will cut you out of the process before sending themselves into debt. My suggestion is to start applying for jobs and internships ASAP! This has become a numbers game, so get as many applications out there as you can and pray that at least one will stick.


Unless, in an act of desperation, you’ve locked yourself in a room without TV and internet to force yourself to finish your thesis or dissertation, you’re probably aware that we’re in the middle of a global financial crisis. Banks have failed, companies have been forced to make layoffs, and interest rates have plummeted. In short, the global economy is not good right now.

Like everyone else, I’m constantly bombarded by news coverage of the latest catastrophes in the financial world, and while it’s great to know what’s going on, a lot of times it’s hard to relate to the stories. Unless, of course, you’re a multi-million dollar investor who fell victim to Madoff’s Ponzi scheme, but if you’re a multi-millionaire, why are you even reading this blog

Anyway, what I’m interested in exploring is how the global economic crisis has affected our everyday lives You know, the lives of regular people like you and me, not the CEOs and other top executives.

For me, the impact of the global financial crisis has been surprisingly small. I consider myself extremely fortunate to have landed a full time job last year before the economy really started falling apart. Also, it’s a lucky coincidence that what I enjoy doing (my job) is in a “recession proof” industry (knock on wood). The most painful experience has been watching the balances of my Roth 401(k) and Roth IRA take a nosedive, but even though it hurts now, it’ll be fine in the long run because I still have a few decades before I even touch that money.

On the other hand, I know that not everyone has made it through this financial crisis unscathed. One of my cousins was just laid off from his job last week, so he’s now unemployed. The global financial crisis has definitely left a big impact on his life.

How has the global financial crisis affected you



1 解读任务背景

1.1 任务来源


1.2 环境分析




1.3 市场分析


1.1 核心竞争力


1.1.1 主攻小语种业务


1.1.2 Ebusiness-便捷的销售方式


1.1.3 人性化的收费方式














虽然Ebusiness是非常便捷的销售方式,但是我们不会 摒 弃传统的电话联络或当面洽谈的商业模式。仍然接受的现金交易模式。



2 组织结构设置



1.1 负责人


1.2 财务部


1.3 人力资源部


1.4 EDP

EDP是(Electronic Data processing)电子数据运营中心的缩写



2.3 战略阶段-提高服务质量


2.4 战略目标-由内而外的渗透市场




3 营销计划

3.1 产品定价






































3.2 广告推广


网站横幅广告(banner ad):最经典的网络广告形式,也是用来在两个网站之前无缝合作的有效方式,有费用低,投放面广的特点。统计下来投放成本每月在1000元一条左右。




3.3 网络营销


4 资金管理

4.1 中小企业融资计划


4.2 成本预算













为创业第一年初的年度预算 合计69000元




5 总结






We should learn to stick to our life no matter how difficult the life is and we should learn to love others .It is the flim tellsx me

It is a story talks about a black girl named Precious .Precious isx fat and not beautiful. Her bad temped mother never workx, always cheated others to relieve her ,and atex while watching TV all day.What is worse ,Precious was only 16,but she had pregnant for twice .Out of assumption ,her child is her farther ''s child .Living in this life ,she alawys imagine to avoid facing her life .Fortunately,with the help and careneof the teacher and doctor ,her life became not so bad .

Precious has a tough life ,and if she gives up her life and does not join the adult education ,she will not meet the teacher and her life may not be changed .When we xfaced with the difficulty x,avoidingx is not a good way for us. It can not solve the problems.What we need to do is that analying the cause and trying to changed our place .So we should be brave and face the trap directly.

The film also teachs us to love others.Precious is someone who may exit near us .If precious own a good family and some friends,she may not fell so despaired. In spite of the development of our world ,there still many people suject misfortune.love and help can make them fell better ,so we should not scant our love .


Hello! I am Chenjun. I have long black hair. I have big eyes, a small nose and a small mouth. I am thin. I’m 10.I am studying at MaoQiao Primary School. I am in Class2 Grade 4. I like dancing. My good friend Wang Hui-yuan .likes dancing, too. I like to eat hamburgers, hot dogs, apples, peaches and fish. My favorite color is green. I want to be a teacher. That’s me, a lovely girl. Thanks!









English is a useful language all over the world. Why are we began to learn English when we were little children Beacause it is very important for us to learn it.In the world, if you cannot speak English you will lose half a chance to success.

I began to learn English when I was 8 years old.At that moment,I do not like English.I connot remember all the words which I have learnt.I think it is very difficult for me to learn it well.So I cannot read English loudly and I never answer the questions in the English classes.

Even if my English is very bad, my teacher stll encourages me to learn English hard and he gives me some ways to learn English. He tells me to read passages loudly and listen to the English tapes everyday morning.In order to progress my writing he also asks me to write some articles at times. I like listen to the English songs,he suggests me to sing the English songs.As a result of his ways my English becomes well.

Now, I like English very well and I still use the ways he tells me.I know I must learn English even hard.


As you slowly open your eyes, look around , notice where the light comes into your room; listen carefully, see if there are new sounds you can recognize; feel with your body and spirit, and see if you can sense the freshness in the air. Yes, yes, yes, it’s a new day, it’s a different day, and it’s a bright day! And most importantly, it is a new beginning for your life, a beginning where you are going to make new desicisions, take new actions, make new friends, and take your life to a totally unprecedented level! You know all this is real as long as you are confident,passionate and committed! And you are confident, you are passionate, you are committed!

You will no longer fear making new sounds, showing new facial expressions, using your body in new ways,approaching new people, and asking new questions. You will live every single day of your life with absolute passion, and you will show your passion through the words you speak and the actions you take. You will focus all your time and effort on the most important goals of your life. You will never succumb to challenges of hardships. You will never waver in your pursuit of excellence. After all,you are the best, and you deserve the best!

As your coach and friend, I can assure you the door to all the best things in the world will open to you, but the key to that door is in your hand. You must do your part, you must faithfully follow the plans you make and take the actions you plan, you must never quit, you must never fear. I know you must do it, you can do it, you will do it, and you will succeed!

Now stand firm and tall, make a fist, get excited, and yell it out: I must do it! I can do it! I will do it! I will succeed! I must do it! I can do it! I will do it! I will succeed! I must do it! I can do it! I will do it! I will succeed!
